Project location:
Donja Brusovača 8, 47220 Vojnić, KroatiëContact
Project Duga translates to Project Rainbow, where the rainbow symbolizes a covenant as seen in Noah's story after the flood. It represents God's covenant with "every living soul" where everyone has an equal opportunity to live through His Life. Our project and its name have absolutely nothing to do with LGTBHKLMOP politics or any other political agenda.
Our project is located in "Kordun" (formerly Krajina), an abandoned region in the inland of Croatia, near the border with Bosnia. The region is characterized by the presence of minorities: returning Serbs, Croatian Muslims, and Croatians who fled from Bosnia after the war. It is a forgotten region, presenting a great challenge to work towards reconciliation and a bond of friendship. The project has been active since May 1999 and focuses on single seniors, children, and youth.
The project has its own campsite accommodating 30 to 50 people. It consists of three camping cabins, each with six beds, a sleeping loft with 16 beds, several caravans, a simple kitchen, and a café in a stable ("Café Bethlehem"). The campsite is maintained by local youth and children from "The Lion Gang" and by visiting groups.
Projekt Duga started in 1999 as an initiative of Dutch and Croatian volunteers from different churches. At the moment the project is mainly supported by the Evangelical Congregation Jonah in Ede, but volunteers are participants from different (types of) churches.
And then suddenly it is 2020 ... We are in the winter, but it does not seem to come in the Netherlands and so we quickly think about summer. Time flies and it is actually high time to make plans for the summer of 2020. There are ideas, but no concrete plans yet. These are the ideas:
With all these plans, guidance is required. Volunteers and child and teen leadership. Interested parties should contact us.
Greetings, Meindert Jorna
We are in Croatia again. Spring break. In the spring we are always shocked on arrival by the tall grass.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing this (May 1, 2017) we have not yet registered a group to visit us in 2017. Nevertheless, we would very much like to receive a group (young people?) This summer as we are used to. from other years ....